i-RED assisted HLHR-KEMO in the implementation of the RAXEN project from 2008 to 2010

Hellenic League for Human Rights has been the leader of the HLHR-KEMO RAXEN National Focal Point, contracted by the European Union Fundamental Rights Agency of Vienna for the period 2007-2010.

HLHR-KEMO cooperated also with the Greek Ombudsman and the Greek Forum of Migrants as subcontracting partners.

The task of the RAXEN NFP were to collect and provide reliable and comparable data and information at a national level on the phenomena of racism, xenophobia and antisemitism and islamophobia and to deliver relevant Reports and information to the European Union Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) of Vienna.

The Hellenic League for Human Rights (HLHR) and the Research Centre for Minority Groups (KEMO) are long standing partners in scientific, academic research and public discourse and intervention. As key actors in their respective fields in Greece, HLHR and KEMO provide unique and innovative perspectives in the thematic areas of fundamental rights, rights of immigrants and minorities and related social phenomena, such as racism, discrimination and social inclusion/exclusion.


Since 2000 the Agency collects data on issues regarding racism, xenophobia and related intolerances through its RAXEN National Focal Points (NFPs) covering all EU Member States on issues of racism, xenophobia and related intolerances.

National Focal Points organisations

NFPs are organisations selected by the Agency through an open call for tender and contracted to provide through different reporting tools background material on phenomena of racism, xenophobia and related intolerance, as well as policies and initiatives promoting equality and diversity.

RAXEN data and country reports 

This valuable information provided by the National Focal Points covers the areas of legislation, racist violence and crime, employment, education, housing and health and is primarily used to develop in house comparative analyses. Find in this area the main contributions of RAXEN. 

RAXEN data is also presented together with all available official and unofficial statistical data on its online documentation resources: the FRA Infoportal.